Leadership Resources
Balance in Leadership


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Leadership requires a sense of balance in many aspects.  A wise leader has inner balance, based on values that inherently guide decision making. Balance means finding the center, recognizing change, being flexible and adaptable. The wise leader also looks for external balance and develops teams and partnerships that have tremendous diversity and skills, so that overall balance is achieved.

 This concept of balance is found in many of the leadership theories. (Yukl,1998) says A change in one part of a system often elicits reactions from other parts to maintain system equilibrium (p.456). (Wall,1995) states that leaders are adept at balancing what may seem to be competing demands...leaders need to  pay constant, vigilant attention to balancing the benefits and drawbacks of the selected strategies in order to keep their businesses supple and competitive(p.129). The concept of balance is also found throughout the works of Lao Tzu. A theme of opposites and paradox continually emerges in much of the business and leadership literature today.  Like a balancing scale, we seek equilibrium. It is only by knowing the opposites that equilibrium or balance is reached.

Wall S. and Wall S., 1995. The New Strategist-Creating Leaders at All Levels. Simon and Schuster Inc. New York.

Yukl, G. 1998. Leadership in Organizations. Simon and Schuster Company. New Jersey.

Copyright Debbie Payne

Learning Leadership Associates
841 Pacific Drive
Delta, BC Canada V4M 2K2
604 943 7224
debbiep@canada.com Edit

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